Campus Compact and AmeriCorps VISTA Never Leaves You
by Amy Carraux Price

After graduating from Elon University with a Bachelors of Science and before completing my Master of Arts in Community and Organizational Leadership at Emory and Henry College, I completed two terms of service as an AmeriCorps VISTA. I served first with Massachusetts Campus Compact with Tufts University, and then completed my second year with North Carolina Campus Compact at Mars Hill College. A few years and experiences later, I've joined Pennsylvania Campus Compact as the Program Manager where I am responsible for leading our AmeriCorps programs. What can I say? I'm passionate and compelled by this important work and the mission of both Campus Compact and AmeriCorps. (I don't want to press my luck with a fourth Campus Compact experience, as I am confident I fooled each state! Shh, don't tell my great colleagues at PACC!
Two brief thoughts
related to all this: my Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA experiences made me who
I am today and the Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA programs are defining and
equipping the next generation of leaders in our great field. I am humbled to
feel it and see it every day.
For me, two years of
service provided professional and personal lifelong transformations. I can't
extend enough gratitude to my fellow VISTAs and the Campus Compact staff, host
site institutions and community partners. You pushed me, you stretched me, you
provided definitions, and you gave support. You created intentional space that
allowed us to wrestle with the challenges in our communities and beyond. You let
me have a huge part of important and necessary community projects. You trusted me. You helped me envision my
future and set tangible goals to get there. You helped me define and develop my
understanding of community, of equality, of partnership, of
So to wrap it up, Carly (who is working for CNCS, my former VISTA Leader in Boston, and a supportive mentor and dear friend), shared an article in the wake of the Boston Marathon tragedy. The article, written by Andrew Cohen and titled "You May Leave Boston, but Boston Never Leaves You," eloquently and emotionally captures the sentiments of many, including mine. And I also shamelessly offer, "You may complete a Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA term (or two, or three...), but Campus Compact and AmeriCorps never leaves you." From lessons learned in community to accomplishments shared, from forming friendships with community partners to hard discussions with fellow AmeriCorps VISTAs, from committing to a life of asset-based, mutually-beneificial and reciprocal partnerships to honoring, recognizing, and building social capital, the Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA experience is transformational and enduring.